Friday 27 September 2013

WEEK 3 (PCB outline)

Before we start doing the etching process, we did the circuit outline first. For the outline, we used DipTrace software.
DipTrace software

These are the circuit outlines :

IR Sensor

Voice Recorder Module

Friday 20 September 2013

WEEK 2 (Research & Components)

We did some research on The Deepest Bin. However, there were not many information on this project, but there was an example of smart dustbin on the youtube that was similar to our project. Here is the link of the smart dustbin >>
Back to our project, instead of making the dustbin as an attraction, we add on GSM technology to increse the efficiency of the waste management system.

These are the components that we are going to use for the Hardware: infrared sensor, PIC 16F877A, GSM modem and voice recorder module.


The figure above is a block diagram for the deepest bin project using GSM Technology. Infrared sensor will work entirely by detecting the energy given off by the thrower. When the sensor detects movement, the voice recorder module will produce sound like a very long fall followed by a large crash. By placing a simple sound effect it will encourage people to properly disposing waste. When the trash is full, the infrared sensor that is also connected to the microcontroller will give command to GSM modem. The GSM modem will then send a text message to the garbage collector. By implement this project it will help to increase the efficiency of waste management system.


           Final year project briefing was held together with the internship briefing at TTL hall. The attendence was compulsory for all students who are taking final year project this semester. The briefing started at 3.00pm to 5.00pm. The final year project briefing was conducted by FYP's commitees. The briefing was all about:-

- the scheme of work for final year project.
- make a logbook or a blog for final year project and must be updated every week to show project progression.
- every student can claim RM300 per person for the project.
- always meet the supervisor regarding the project.

Our supervisor is Mr Azman from the Electronic Section, level 5.

Encik Azman Aziz

Friday 13 September 2013

WEEK 1 (Selection of The Final Year Project & Supervisor)

Last semester (Engineering Design), we chose sir Azman to be our supervisor. He agreed to supervise us. He gave us a project from his previous degree's student. He suggested us to upgrade the project. The name of the project is DB-Con. It was about distribution board.
However, as diploma students, the project was too tough to handle. So we came up with new suggestion to do a smart dustbin. We call it 'The Deepest Bin'.



         This project mainly focuses on waste management system. Thus, we've designed a handful of inventions that is a trash can designed to sound like the deepest bin in the world with combination of GSM technology to make waste management system more efficient. To throw rubbish in the bin instead of onto the floor shouldn’t really be so hard. Many people still fail to do so. The best way to change people’s behavior is to make it fun to do. This concept may encourage people to place garbage in a bin. By placing a simple sound effect it completely changed the experience of properly disposing waste. When the trash is full, the indicator that is integrated with sensor and GSM modem that are placed inside the bin will send a text message to the garbage collectors. This system provides an ideal solution to the problems faced by the waste management service and system in various places.  


The aim of this project is to develop the prototype of The Deepest Bin.

1.      To create a project that will change people’s behaviour, encourage them to place garbage in a bin and make it fun to do it by placing a simple sound effect.

2.      To design and develop tools or components that can increase the efficiency of waste management system by using GSM technology to send message to the garbage collector when the bin is full.

Main Cover




Encik Azman Abdul Aziz

Nurul Nabilah Mohd Hazlan
Yasarah Kamarudin
(DET in Telecommunications)