For software development we have use the Microcode Studio software.
MicroCode Studio is a
powerful, visual Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with In Circuit
Debugging (ICD) capability designed specifically for microEngineering Labs
PICBASIC PRO™ compiler. Compilation and assembler errors can easily be
identified and corrected using the error results window. Just click on a compilation
error and MicroCode Studio will automatically take you to the error line.
MicroCode Studio even comes with a serial communications window, allowing to
debug and view serial output from microcontroller.
The MicroCode Studio ICD communicates with the microcontroller using its
hardware USART. Refer the the Microchip
data sheet for the microcontroller used if unsure which pins the device uses
for its USART. For example, the PIC16F877A uses PORTC.7 for RX and PORTC.6 for
TX. The ICD will work with microcontrollers running at different clock
speeds. However, it is essential that your PBP code has the correct
oscillator setting defined. By default, this is 4MHz.
More extensive micro
coding has also been used to allow small and simple micro architecture to
emulate more powerful architecture with wider word length, more execution units
etc; a relatively simple way to achieve software compatibility between
different products in a processor family.
To develop program in the PIC, microcode
have been used to program the sensor so that it applicable of the chicken coop
environment. Actually microcode is easily to be used and understand for the
beginner programmer. It does not have to see the difficult term to write the